Project 4a - Design and implementation of a fiber loop buffer for an edge server

Create an implementation that handles multimedia (video on demand) on a Linux-based system

Team Members

Name Roll No. e-mail Contact
Suhas Hegde A
Vivek Kumar Singh MT2009146 9886317184
Naveen Kumar V
Uday kamal R MT2009113


Video servers play a major role in video on demand systems and form one of the critical components of the system, hence improving the perfomace of the server is ultimately the improvement for the entire system. In the project the I/O performance of the video servers is focused on live555 Media server.

Live555 Server :

Gap Analysis

In order to solve multiple data copy issue, the linux kernel (2.6 and above) provides “sendfile” system call to implement “zero copy method” over TCP sockets. The media streaming servers like “live 555” uses “read” and “write” system calls to perform the data transfer from disk to socket buffer. So, we have planned to make the following changes: • Write a system call sendfile_UDP() equivalent to sendfile which can work for UDP sockets over a RTP connection. • Make use of sendfile_UDP() call to perform read operation on the “Live 555” media server.

Existing System

Sendto() + read() vs Sendfile()






Advantages of Using the sendfile() system call

Integration of Sendfile() into the live555 server

Various classes were identified and modified to support sendfile() in the media server.


Demo of working Live 555 media server implemented using Zero Copy method with help of senfile_UDP() system call for MP3 media streaming.

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